I am thristy
"...I thirst
for you. Yes, that is the only way to even begin to describe my love for
you: I thirst for you. I thirst to love and to be loved by you - that
is how precious you are to me. I thirst for you. Come to me, and fill
your heart and heal your wounds.
If you feel unimportant in the eyes of the world, that matters not at
all. For me, there is no one any more important in the entire world than
you. I thirst for you. Open to me, come to me, thirst for me, give me
your life - and I will prove to you how important you are to my heart..."
- I Thirst for
You by Mother Teresa
"I thirst." These words of Jesus spoken from the cross had a special meaning for Mother Teresa. In the chapel of her Missionaries of Charity in Dorchester, these words appear in cut-out paper letters attached to the wall at the side of the tabernacle. Here Mother Teresa spent time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament each day. Here she and the sisters gather in similar chapels around the world to pour themselves out as an offering of love before the Lord. Here the Lord filled their thirst and strengthened them for their witness of love in the Mass." -- "I thirst" had a special meaning for Mother Teresa by Cardinal Law
"...Mother Teresa of Calcutta ordered that Jesus' words "I thirst!" should appear next to the cross in all her communities around the world. "The Lord is thirsty for our love, for our heart. He wants to give himself to us. And through us, he wishes to give his love to others..." -- Tragedy of our time is loss of sense of sin - Archbishop of Vienna Addresses International Eucharistic Congress - Zenit News Agency
When I am hungry, send me someone to feed;
When I am thirsty, send me someone who needs a drink;
When I am cold, send me someone to warm;
When I am sad, send me someone to cheer;
When I need understanding, send me someone who needs mine;
When I need to be looked after, send me someone to care for;
When I think only of myself, draw my thoughts to another.
So let us pray as though everything depends on God,
and work as though God depends on us for everything.
Amen -- from Via
'I THIRST' must remain a cry of mystery.
"...The One who created the seas needs a drink of water. Somehow
we understand that Jesus Christ is very MAN as well as very God. He is
forever committed to be one with YOU and with ME. He is forever one of
But 'I THIRST' is assurance of understanding at the throne. At
the heart of God is one who KNOWS what it is like to be human and to suffer
-- to be alone -- to hurt -- to weep -- to thirst! When WE hurt, Jesus
hurts! For He cares!" -- Reflection
on John 19:28
Thou, the
great God Whom earth and heaven adore,
Thou dwellest a prisoner for me night and day;
And every hour I hear Thy voice implore:
" I thirst - I thirst - I thirst - for love alway!
I, too, Thy prisoner am I;
I, too, cry ever unto Thee
Thine own divine and tender cry:
"I thirst! Oh, let me die
Of love for Thee!"
For love of Thee I thirst! Fulfil my hope;
Augment in me Thine own celestial flame!
For love of Thee I thirst! Too scant earth's scope.
The glorious Vision of Thy Face I claim!
-- I Thirst for Love, Saint Therese of Lisieux
"This morning, with deep emotion, I celebrated Mass for her [Mother Teresa], an unforgettable witness of a love made concrete and unceasing service to the poorest and most marginalized of our brethren. In the face of those in misery she recognized Jesus' face, imploring from the Cross: 'I am thirsty.' And, with generous surrender of the self, she listened to that cry from the lips and hearts of the dying, of abandoned little ones, of men and women crushed by the weight of suffering and loneliness." -- John Paul II, quoted in Mother Theresa
Lord, Jesus, I open my heart to you in faith, -- from We
Thirst for Living Water |
"It is there in His Eucharist that He says to me: 'I thirst, thirst for your love, your sacrifices, your sufferings. I thirst for your happiness, for it was to save you that I came into the world, that I suffered and died on the Cross, and in order to console and strengthen you I left you the Eucharist. So you have there all my life, all my tenderness.'" -- From Mother Mary of Jesus, the Foundress of the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice
Related: Father forgive them... - Listening to the Last Words of Jesus: Meditation - 'Father, forgive them!' - A reflection on Luke 23:34 - Today you will be with me... - Woman, this is your son... - My God, my God - I am thirsty - It is finished - Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit