Wisdom of Saintly Men and Women Poster VII



Saint Vincent de Paul

Consider God's generosity towards you rather than your own unworthiness in His sight, and live in His strength, rather than in the thoughts of your own weakness. -- St. Vincent de Paul

Saint Athony Padua

"The life of the body is the soul; the life of the soul is God." - St Anthony of Padua


Pray always and don't doubt that God keeps you in His divine arms and that the time will come when He will teach you His most holy Will. -- St. Paul of the Cross

Saint John of the Cross

Who teaches the soul if not God?-- Saint John of the Cross

St. Vincent de Paul

Be careful to give no credit to yourself for anything; if you do, you are stealing from God, to whom alone every good thing is due. -- St. Vincent de Paul

Saint Francis de Sales

Consider all the past as nothing, and say, like David: Now I begin to love my God. --Saint Francis de Sales

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