All Saints Day - Year B


The author of Revelation is trying to discourage first century Christians from taking the politically safe course of emperor worship. He pictures a heaven modeled on the imperial court. They will wear expensive white robes like the Roman Senate. Politically the faithful will become the new aristocracy of the Christian kingdom.

We are God's Chidlren Now, but later


How to be a saint in 8 easy lessons - beatitudes

Death no longer has power over him


Saint John summarizes the role of the Christian as child of God. He notes that this is only the beginning of a future evolution to something higher. He doesn't speculate on the precise details of this transmutation, except to suggest that "we will be like Him [God]." This is a bold prophecy unlike anything else in the Bible. It is also a cautionary omen against personal impurity.

Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

© 2000 by Father Richard Lonsdale. You may freely copy this document. It may be freely reproduced in any non-profit publication.Thie clipart and commentatires above were originally on a web site maintained by Fr. Lonsdale. To copy the clipart images, click with your right mouse button and use "save picture (or image) as…"To view a complete list of clipart images and commentaries: Lonsdale Commentaries and Clipart