Saint Therese of Lisieux
- Catholic Greetings Create your card - Therese of Lisieux
- Centenary of St. Therese
- Profile of Therese of Lisieux in the Catholic Religious Education Webzine
- Pope John Paul II's Divini Amoris Scientia in English
- Official web site of the full-length feature film on the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
- God's Big Way Through St. Thèrése's Little Way - Kay Murdy (scroll down the page to read the article)
- Society of the Little Flower
- Images of St. Thérèse de Lisieux
- Thérèse a doctor for the third millennium - Father Camilo Maccise, OCD, and Father Joseph Chalmers, OCarm
- St. Therese of Lisieux and the statue that smiled! - by Sheila M. Coyle
- Saint Therese of Lisieux - "Storm of Glory: Therese from 1897 to 2007"
Related: By any other name: A Story of the Intercession of St. Therese of Lisiseux - by Elizabeth Ficocelli - St. Therese of Lisieux and the statue that smiled! - by Sheila M. Coyle - Saints - Saints Posters - Canonization & Beatification