The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
- Reconciliation in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Making a Good Confession - Fr. William Saunders
- The Seal of the Confessional - Fr. William Saunders
- The Seal of the 'confessional and Child Abuse - Fr. William Saunders
- Brushing Up On Confession - Fr. William Saunders
- Litany of Forgiveness - Horizons - Moving On: Embracing the Future
- Letting Go and Letting God - Patricia Herchuk Sheehy
- Why Go to Confrssion?
- Give Penance a Chance
- CIN - Kinds of Sin
- CIN - Our Sense of Sin
- CIN - Overcoming Sin
- CIN - The Bible And Sin
- Sin - Catechism of the Catholic Church
- CIN - Examination of Conscience, Fr. Hal Stockert
- On Confession - Church Fathers
- Nazareth Master Catechism - Penance or Confession
- Reconciliation, Sacrament of Peace
- Examination of Conscience for Teens
- Articles in past issues of the Catholic Updates Newsletters: Sin and Reconciliation
- Sacrament of Reconciliation: Celebrating the Mercy of God, by Thomas Richtatter O.F.M., American - "Catholics celebrate their faith through all of the sacraments. Among the seven sacraments, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or the Sacrament of Penance, is an important key to the Catholic living. Vatican II helped Catholics to see this sacrament in a new way."