Parables of the Last Place + The Unjust Steward
Parable of the Last Place
Luke 14:7-11
- Do Not Take the First Place as You May be Asked to Take the Last - Father Raniero Cantalamessa Comments on This Sunday's Gospel
- Fr Lonsdale commentaries and clipart
Parable of the Unjust Steward
Luke 16:1-13
- Of what charges? - Luke 16:1-2 - parable of the dishonest steward, Biblical Theology Bulletin, Spring, 2002 by John G. Lygre
- Honor Restored: New Light on the Parable of the Prudent Steward (Luke 16:1-8a), David Landry, University of St. Thomas
- People or Money? - Lectionary Resource for Catholics:
- The unjust steward
- The unjust steward
- Fr Lonsdale commentaries and cllipart
- Other resources on the parable of the unjust steward: Luke 16:1-13 - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time C