22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
The Book of Sirach (aka Ecclesiaticus) is one of the "Wisdom" books. It contains practical suggestions for a life based on faith in God. This section praises humility. This virtue is often misunderstood. A truly humble person is one who recognizes his or her limitations. Such a one is willing to accept help from others. Part of this is a willingness to help others in need. Alms or contributions to the poor correct the imbalance in our relationship with God.
The Letter to the Hebrews may have been written to Jewish Christians who were having doubts about their conversion. The author suggests that they compare the two mountains on which each religion began. The Old Testament came from Mount Sinai, a dark, forbidding place covered with storms. The Hebrews were forbidden to approach it and were afraid of the voice of God.
In contrast, the New Testament was established on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It was the site of the Last Supper. Anyone can approach Jesus' meal of love without fear. His voice is gentle and calm.
Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
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