Third Sunday of Advent - Year B
Paul teaches that active happiness should be the most distinctive characteristic of a Christian. We have absolutely no reason for despair. We know that whatever happens to us, our biography will have a happy ending. We will share God's joy forever. People should be able to ask us, "Why are you always so upbeat?" Faith gives us the right answer.
John the Baptist makes both an act of humility and of hope for a coming superior. Sandals were the most common and least valuable possessions. They were thongs made of animal skin or plant fiber. They consisted in a flat sole tied to foot with straps.
It was the duty of a slave to tie these straps for a superior. John pictures the "one who is to come'' as so great that the Baptist is unfit to be even his slave.
Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
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